In the age of increasing privacy awareness, “Zero party data’ is a whiff of fresh air. Before we dive into Zero party data, let us see what is meant by first party data and third party data.

First party data:

First party data is when data about the customer is caught slyly without the customer being aware of it. This is largely behavioral data. It might include observing the customer hovering, clicking, scrolling, time spent on a page(did you know that somebody was watching you invisibly like this as you were surfing?)

Third party data;

Third party data is data bought from other sources which are not your own. We might have heard the word ‘ third party data’ being used when we download apps. Third party data is used to personalize the content for customers.

Isn’t it amazing that so much of data is being generated on us without us knowing it?

What is Zero Party Data?

Unlike other sly ways of collecting data like through cookies and other means, Zero Party Data is when a customer voluntary gives their data(yes, why didn’t anybody think of this before?) The customer knows that this data is being supplied to the business and they give it accurately. In return they expect straightforward and truthful results from the business. Examples of Zero party data might include personal preferences, purchase intentions and personal context.

Example might include customer voluntarily saying that they like a particular brand of shirt.

Website might ask; Which brand of shirt do you like?

User responds: Van Heusen

The website then shows all information related to Van Heusen shirts to him. This is in stark contrast to first party data and third party data.

Zero party data is straightforward and gives more trust to the consumer. They do not have to be worried about malicious ways of recording and storing their data. If more data becomes zero party data, the consumer will feel more confident on the net and his privacy might be upheld in a better way.

This post is for alphabet ‘Z’ for BlogchatterA2Z 2024!

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