This post is about all the ‘Y’s or “Why’s’ , I think about in life… 🙂 come, join in and let’s think together and find some answers!! 🙂

  1. Why is only engineering or medicine considered the only major lucrative career in India? When will this change?
  2. Why do we name our kids in India after God’s names?(mostly Hindus as I see it?)
  3. Why is Bengaluru so good and why is the traffic so terrible? 🙂
  4. Why is so much importance given to academic skills in schools and colleges – when so many other skills are needed in real life?
  5. Why did mobiles enter our life? 😉
  6. Why are there so many languages in the world?
  7. Why do we say “yes” to everything in our 20s and 30s and say “No” to everything later? 🙂 🙂
  8. Why do writers like to write so much even though there is no pot of gold at the end of the writing tunnel? (face palm!)

These are all the “why” questions that I could think about…what do you think about them? Do you have any answers about them? Do let me know in the comments below…

This post is for alphabet ‘Y’ for #BlogchatterA2Z by @theblogchatter

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