The month of April is always a busy one for me. Two grown kids at home(oh, they are work too!! :)) , schedules all over the place, travelling, business work – all start running riot in April… 🙂 And in the midst I really wanted to do the #BlogchatterA2Z challenge as I had enjoyed doing it so much last year … so, how did I manage? Here goes the report card and my reflections on the whole journey:
Report card:
My idea was to write posts in Information security(in tune with my blog’s primary objective) and proverbs.. and I did manage to complete them very well… Actually, I had a lot of Information security thoughts in my head, which got shape and a final form once I started writing… Given a deadline to finish one post per day motivated me to stay on track and write about all about what I wanted to do!! 🙂 
My Information thoughts just flowed and flowed!! 🙂

What was the hard part?
Being both a technical and a personal blogger, I always wonder what is the hard part of blogging? Sometimes, it is just getting started…other times, it is just the content and yet, at other times, the flow just doesn’t seem right…but most times for me, it is just the ‘title’ of the blog topic which is the challenging part… once a suitable and interesting topic arises, everything falls into place miraculously!! 🙂
Here are my InfoSec posts which I managed to write making it both understandable and techy at the same time…
Digital forensics
‘Everyday’ security
GIAC certifications
Identity chaos
Identity management
OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities
Is ‘Privacy’ a myth?
Red Team – Blue Team
Two factor authentication
Women in Cybersecurity
YouTube security
Project Zero
All of the posts were something that I enjoyed writing, but I particularly enjoyed researching and writing about Project Zero, YouTube Security. OWASP top 10 vulnearabilities the most!! I hope my writing shed light on some topics that you were vague about and motivated you to stay on top of Cybersecurity as well!
Until next year from A2Z…. Ciao!!  🙂

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2 thoughts on “Reflections – A2Z19

  1. Congratulations on completing this 🙂 The topic you chose was really amazing and it required a lot of research and understanding. Thanks for sharing such valuable information.

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