October – Cybersecurity awareness month

Did you know that October is cyber security awareness month? 🙂 Yes..it is a month solely dedicated to talk a lot about cybersecurity… 🙂 Here are a few interesting things in cybersecurity:

  1. Do you know what are the most commonly used passwords? Check more here:

Hope you are not using any of these passwords – if you do please change them quickly to prevent being hacked!

2. Do you know the most common types of attacks that are infiltrating the Internet? Check them here and do not fall prey to them:

You can read a short definition about malware here: https://blogtech.online/definition-of-the-day-what-is-malware/

Phishing here: https://blogtech.online/phishing-vs-spear-phishing/

Hope you do the required safety measures and never fall a prey to them…

3. Do you know the most demanded certifications in the InfoSec industry? Here they are:

To learn more about these certifications click the link here: https://blogtech.online/list-of-information-security-certifications/

4. Did you know that there is an eco friendly search engine?

‘Ecosia’ plants trees when you use their search engine to perform searches. You can learn more about ‘Ecosia’ here: https://www.ecosia.org/

5. There are many more privacy focused search engines along with ‘DuckDuckGo’ and ‘Swisscows’.

Here is their list:

Hope this post made you a little bit more cyber aware…here’s to you never falling a prey to any of the cyber attacks!

This is the sixth post for #MyFriendAlexa by @Blogchatter

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