I have written about 12 posts about Java for this month’s BlogchatterA2Z and what better way to understand it than by doing a short quiz? 🙂

If you would like to brush the topics that have been covered so far, do visit some of the links given below and then take the quiz! 🙂

Basic Java concepts

Classes and Constructors

Declaring Java modifiers



Inheritance and Interfaces in Java

Good luck!


#1. The ‘abstract’ modifier is applicable to which of the Java types?

Select all that apply:

#2. Which looping construct will be evaluated at least once when the program is run?

#3. How many ‘public’ classes can there be in a Java program?

#4. What is the return type of a constructor?

#5. How many types of ‘Exceptions’ are there?



Congratulations for having completed the quiz! 🙂

Come back again tomorrow for more Java!! 🙂

I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z by Blogchatter 

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4 thoughts on “Java Quiz!

  1. Oh no! I need to brush up all of it again 🙂 That’s a great idea to come up with a quiz. Enjoyed it

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