The pitter-patter of rain drops. Seeing water in liquid form throughout the year. The sight of frogs jumping around. Seeing a double rainbow in the sky. Hearing the birds chirping throughout the year. Seeing millions of pigeons and parrots outside my window. Seeing honeycombs hanging from my balcony. Seeing the blue sky everyday. Having the sun rise and set at the same time throughout the year.
Traffic trying to move in an totally unregulated manner. Competition being real. Great history. Lots of festivals to celebrate in an authentic way. Lots of shopping places. Lots of ‘pattu saris’ 🙂 Lots of color. Lots of variety. Lots of people. Lots of family. Lots of family functions. And even more friends. And never a dull or lonely moment. Full of life and cheer and a simple life!
Where was I? India!! 🙂
This post is for alphabet ‘I’ for the Blogchatter challenge… the previous post is here... come back tomorrow for the next alphabet…:)
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Vibrant and beautiful!! India is amazing!!
Yes! Incredible India! 🙂