Write a letter to your Dad!

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It has been almost 2 months since I wrote anything(life you see! :)) and what better way to break the ice than by writing to my father! My dad passed away in 2020 and I have written a lot about him and I have also published a book about him(you can read the book here) but I still have a lot to say about him.

Dear appa,

Hope you are happy in heaven with Mummy too. Each Father’s Day is difficult since I always miss the good old days and the warm memories that you made for us. I know you didn’t believe in all the days(Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, birthdays or whatever ;)) After all, these days were not celebrated lavishly when you were growing up – so, it was difficult to acknowledge such special days. But still I like the fact, that the world has woken up to celebrate such special days. For some strange reason Father’s Day always came close to my birthday and the last Father’s Day that we celebrated, both the days incidentally came together. I still don’t know whether to feel happy that both days came together and we celebrated in style or feel sad that, that was the last Father’s day that you were here with us.

I miss our endless hour long conversations everyday(what did we talk about? – ah, we just gossiped ..plain and simple 🙂 :)) and miss the perfect advice for any difficult situation. I miss your smartness and I still haven’t found anybody with that out-of-the-box thinking style. I miss your voice and miss the ways you tried to make all the ladies in your life laugh. I miss the way you kept the table(all messy 🙂 :)) and the way you could only find things if it was messy!! 😉

You were a unique person who was blessed with all feminine relationships (elder sister, younger sister, mother, wife, 2 daughters and 2 grand-daughters) Was life trying to say, that you will be loved a lot? It is plain and simple love like this that keeps the world a happy place!

Hope you are at peace in heaven with Mummy and Happy Father’s Day!!


This post is a part of Blogchatter Blog Hop !

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