From being a total social media outcast, I can safely say I have come a long way! 🙂 I am moderate social media user today and I am on most social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more!! 🙂

After being on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Quora, I have always had a few doubts about “why” certain things are the way they are on social media. Here is my major “why” 🙂

“Why” does Twitter not have an edit button?

When I first started using Twitter, I was just getting used to the platform. It was fundamentally different from LinkedIn which is mostly used for bolstering business relationships. On Twitter there was always a 180 character limit to “tweet” your thoughts and opinions. “Tweeting”, “Retweeting”, posting replies in a thread were all some things that I was getting used to.

In LinkedIn and Facebook, if I type something wrong after posting it, I could always re-edit it. But when I tried editing in Twitter, I couldn’t …why? Because there was no ‘Edit’ button in Twitter!! If you wanted to change your post(maybe a spelling mistake or you wanted to change it entirely after posting) you just had to delete it entirely…no edits were possible!!

I have always wondered why Twitter never added this functionality. I had read many social media posts as why this was not possible – but none of them were convincing enough for me.

Some of the thoughts were like this:

If a Tweet is retweeted and the original tweet is changed after retweeting, the original thought might be lost!! (almost feels like a tongue twister, right? :)) This was definitely not convincing enough for me as I thought there were many ways in technology to overcome it…

And I was also not sure if all us tweeting were posting malicious content – because some of us just want to change innocent things on a post, so we absolutely need an ‘Edit’ button…:)

So, what are your thoughts? Does Twitter need an ‘Edit’ button or not? (though it doesn’t seem to be coming anytime in the near future!! )

The previous post can be found here.

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4 thoughts on “Wh(y)?

  1. This is so very thoughtful and very practical query you have rightly pointed out. Even I was always annoyed at Twitter not having the ‘edit’ button. However, your contemplation and reasoning seem fair enough and put my mind at peace. Thank you for this share.

  2. I think Twitter does need an Edit option. You have addressed a really important topic Jayanthi. I have been thinking of this from a few days myself. Thanks for throwing light on this topic.
    Happy A2Zing 🙂

  3. In current days where people are posting fake waiting till they get 10K RTs then quietly deleting it afterwards, i can’t imagine what a mess it would have been if editing was allowed. Nice take on the matter.

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