Which is your favorite social media platform?

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From the days of writing about ‘social media outcasts‘ to ‘ What is your social media personality‘, I have come a long way. Now, I am swimming in the world of social media!! 😉 (not totally, but I am on the most popular social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram – I am leaving Whatsapp out of this list) I do not share every minute detail of my life and as a writer, I do not share any less either!! 😉


‘Facebook’ was a rage quite a few years ago and I had many people ask me why I wasn’t on it. Well, I was on it, then came out of it and then went back and so on and so forth for some time. I haven’t quit it for quite a while now, so I am thinking I won’t leave it this time! 🙂

Anyways, Facebook is a social media platform that is used primarily for sharing pictures and other moments with friends and family. With all the noise about snooping and trespassing of personal information, I think the number of people sharing personal information might have reduced.


LinkedIn is primarily used for forging business relationships and it has helped me find new job opportunities twice. I have applied for various job openings through various portals but LinkedIn is the only thing that has clicked for me. You can also endorse your connection’s business skills, write business recommendations based on your experience and other things on LinkedIn.

So, if you are looking for a suitable job opportunity, do make an account on LinkedIn and make suitable connections who will help you in your career.


‘Instagram’ is supposed to be the rage for teenagers today(luckily, my teens are not on it… I hope… :)) I always go around every social media channel wondering what the fuss is about. I joined Instagram very recently( maybe a year back)

It is definitely very colorful and I think it is good to promote businesses through it (though, I haven’t figured why teenagers swoon over it so much! :)) I am not too fond of ‘Insta worthy’ pictures though I am sure it is an essential part to promote a business or brand.


Twitter is a micro blogging platform where one can express their thoughts in 180 characters per tweet. You can tweet more by hitting ‘reply’ on the original tweet. ‘Tweets’ can be ‘Retweeted’ to give it more power – though ‘retweets’ are not supposed to be endorsements of any kind. Hashtags are a powerful aspect of Twitter(as with other social media) and they help you to find appropriate posts on a particular topic.

So, which social media platform do you personally like without considering the number of followers or connections or ‘likes’?

For me, the ‘bird’ just wins because of the way it is built. At 180 characters per tweet, I learn so much on its platform(InfoSec learning at its best!) There are also many like minded individuals on it, who are just “individuals” and not part of a personal family or business family…On Twitter, you can just be “you” which is something that I really loved about the platform.

I have only covered a few of the social media platforms. There are still a lot more like Pinterest and more. Do you have any other social media platform in mind? Do you like it? Do drop your thoughts in the comments below…

This is the seventh post for #MyFriendAlexa by Blogchatter

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