What makes me smile and what makes me happy? This was the theme for this ‘Write Over weekend’ by Blogadda and I decided to write away even though I am in the midst of so many other writing assignments. Come join me as I discover the things that make me smile and happy… 🙂

  1. My kids and my daughter’s quips (Read my  cooking incident quips) Those don’t just make me smile,  they make everybody roar with laughter! 🙂
  2. Definitely talking 🙂
  3. Shopping(every girl’s dream! :))  I am no means a shopaholic – but shopping is therapeutic..no doubt there… 🙂
  4. Family and friends
  5. Visiting new places and more particularly historic places like Belur Hampi and places that are more in tune with Mother nature like Yercaud in India and Mackinac Island in US
  6. Writing both personal and technical posts. Writing is definitely therapeutic like shopping and looking at the end result of a write up is totally gratifying!

What makes you happy? 🙂

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