“Change is the only constant” is a highly popular and true saying that is liberally splashed all around. It is however very true for the field of technology that is constantly evolving everyday.

Web 1.0 hardly finds a mention anywhere as it was the beginning of the Internet. Individuals were getting used to this new type of technology which was shrinking the world by leaps and bounds. Web 1.0 was characterized by just viewing the information on a website from any physical location.

Web 2.0:

Web 2.0 slowly but steadily transformed the web in different ways. While we maybe the power behind the change, Web 2.0 involves more interactivity and collaboration. Leaving reviews on sites like Amazon, collaborating with different friends on Facebook are just a few examples of Web 2.0 transformation.

Google ushered in 2.0 and other examples of Web 2.0 include Google AdSense, Blogging, tagging and Wikipedia among other things.

Web 3.0:

While Web 2.0 is firmly in place and we are enjoying the fruits of its labor 🙂 we may slowly be transitioning to Web 3.0. What does Web 3.0 include? With the rise in artificial intelligence and machine learning, Web 3.0 will include more personalized content. This will include gathering more information about you and your online habits.

As an example, searches could become more powerful in Web 3.0 with search engines understanding the context of your search from saved results. Personal searches involving multiple keywords with your saved credentials will also be the wave of the future.

Semantic web could be another feature of 3.0(categorizing Internet data) which could result in a much more intelligent Internet. Web 3.0 would also involve more decentralized technologies like Blockchain.

This is just a brief gist of Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. How do you think Web 3.0 will look?

This is the eighth post for #MyFriendAlexa by Blogchatter!

Hope you enjoyed all the posts for this month and do come back for more posts as they catch my eye! 🙂

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