Ebook 1: I take on the Baton of Blogchatter Ebook Carnival from Rashi whose ebook ‘Mansa‘ is also part of the mix. 
About Rashi’s ebook: “मनसा” अर्थात मन से उत्पन्न कुछ कविताओं का संग्रह है ये पुस्तक। इसमें कवित्रि ने रिश्ते, देशप्रेम और अपने मन की भावनाओं को व्यक्त किया है।  
My ebook experience/learnings:
The BlogchatterEbook carnival launched e-books that converted us bloggers into authors.The whole experience has been exhilarating one and I have received more recognition in the field of writing!
I had written a series of posts around my life in US and my e-book contains all of my posts regarding that. I thank Blogchatter and the entire team for supporting me in creating an e-book around those posts!
You can download my e-book ‘India or US? The constant struggle for educated India for free here.  
About my book:A number of individuals in their 20s, want to go abroad and once they are abroad they start missing India. These individual posts grasp the see-saw of most Indian families trying to balance Indian values and American life.
E-book 2:  I would next pass on the Baton of Blogchatter EBook Carnival to fellow blogger Rohan whose ebook ‘Annoyed Thieves Amid Darkling Armies‘ is also part of the mix. 
About Rohan’s ebook: Stir something
Be it any emotion
Joy, Fear, AngerChannel it
Towards a path
That leads a changeIn yourself
In the surrounding you live
In the society These are the words
Fearless, bold, outspoken
To stir something in you  


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