This post is in the memory of my father who passed away a exactly a year ago on October 11th, 2020…

Did time heal anything?

My father suffered from Parkinson’s disease for about 6 years before finally succumbing to it. Parkinsons disease is a neurological condition that affects the brain and we could see my father’s gradual deterioration in front of our eyes(walking, talking, thinking, eating everything is affected) Even as he was deteriorating, Covid entered the scene and made life harder for non-covid patients like him. His walking was slow for a long time and soon other functions like thinking became even slower as well.

It was a dark time for us, as India was in the throes of first wave of Covid in October 2020 and everybody was fearful of everything. He was prescribed a medicine for one of his health conditions which just pushed him more into a neurological disaster. He was bed ridden for the last 2 months and he was not called into the hospital at any point of time either due to Covid fears or because of other reasons. Finally, he passed away on October 11th, 2020 through no fault of his own.

They say time heals a lot of things – but we in our family are still miles away from that. We can see him everywhere in the little things around us. Sometimes, it is the pain that he suffered towards the end that moves through my eyes. Someday, I hope I will find peace knowing that he is in a better place….

My mother:

I hardly write about my mother – but I love my mother too much! My mother has endured 7 years of ups and downs and to live through it without any family support is no easy task.

Nobody could have looked after my father in a better way in his last days as my mother. My father used to implicitly follow all what my mother said in his last days even though he was finding so many small things difficult.

Many would have thought my mother would collapse after my father passed away but my mother held her calm. She handled the situation in her own way and I just love her for that!

What do I miss the most about my father?

You know most women who sit huddled together are always doing one fun thing – ‘gossiping’ about somebody!! 🙂 It is a natural thing that comes to most of us women, and I don’t have anything against it or for it…

But I could do this favorite thing with one of my favorite people in the world – my ‘appa’ (father) !! I would never gossip with my mother( my mother is not that way) but me and my father could just talk and talk about everybody and anything… 🙂 He could actually talk to anybody else as well and he was the greatest orator and had a magnetic personality. He could always think and give a nice meaningful advice to anybody.

When he passed away it was the voice that I missed the most along with his presence. Some days, I feel like I am continuously talking to him and he is guiding us all the time with his meaningful advice but I just wish I knew when I could gossip with him again…

Hope you are at peace wherever you are appa! Love you today and always!

Read other posts about my appa that I wrote last year: Celebration of Appa

The cruelty of Parkinsons disease

Where did humanity go?

This is the seventh post for #MyFriendAlexa by @Blogchatter

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