With most of the world rolling in Windows and Linux, chances are you would have heard of the ‘UNIX’ operating system only in print.
I worked on the UNIX operating system a very, very long time ago and distinctly remember the ‘command line interface'(CLI) (similar to the picture below!) Working on the ‘command line’ and typing commands such as ‘grep’ and ‘chmod’ really gets you to understand the operating system really, really well. It was nowhere close to the Windows operating system and its ease of use. But it was considered to be a a safe and secure operating system.
Let us dive into the operating system that was born much earlier than many of us and which paved the way for the LINUX operating system.

- The UNIX operating system was born in the late 1960s
- For a long time, UNIX only had the ‘Command Line interface'(CLI)
- But over the years, it has a GUI(Graphical User interface) similar to the Windows operating system
- The different versions of UNIX are SUN Solaris, GNU/Linux and MacOS X
- It is a multi-user, multi-tasking system for users, servers and desktops
- The entire Unix operating system is written in the ‘C’ programming language
- The full form for UNIX is ‘Uniplexed Information Computing System'(UNICS)
- The current favorite, Linux is derived from the UNIX operating system.
- Now it is mostly used in companies and universities
- The Unix operating system is slowly giving way to Linux and other operating systems.
Hope this post shed some light on the UNIX operating system that is slowly fading away…come back tomorrow for yet another fascinating post! 🙂
The previous post can be found here.
Interesting Jayanthi. I’m pretty sure I have nevery come across Unix, but GUI is something I have read about.Interesting post. Thank you 🙂
— rightpurchasing.com
Nice post!
Unix was very much part of my Engineering curriculum. I graduated a year before Windows 95 was floated! So for us Unix was the only operating system available and learning and using it was fun. As on date, I have lost all connect with it though.
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