Ragi Mudde – Have you heard of this dish before? It is Karnataka’s own dish and I never knew about it till a few years back.

Food has evolved with time and me who is from Tamil Nadu always knew only of regular idli and dosa. My mother only made normal idli and dosa and we ate normal rice as our staple. But times have changed and we travel and migrate to new lands and learn new foods. As I complete 14 years in Bangalore, I have learnt a lot of new foods and millet foods is one of them.

Karnataka is one state where millets and millet specialities are actively cultivated. Millets are supposed to be drought tolerant and they can be easily cultivated even in poor soils. They are supposed to be nutritiously rich and suitable for diabetics and for people with other lifestyle conditions. Some examples of millets are Ragi, Jowar, Pearl millet(Bajra), Foxtail millet, Barnyard millet and more. Among this, I have been experimenting with Ragi more than any other millet. I have tried Ragi idli and dosa and it is good variation from the normal idli and dosa.

However, it is the Ragi Mudde that needs a special mention. Most people who are not from Karnataka might not have heard of Ragi Mudde or seen it. I had never heard of it till a few years ago. Now, I know a thing or two about it 🙂 Ragi Mudde is a decently big Ragi ball. It can be made with Ragi and hot water(sorry, no recipe here! :)) but that might make you feel totally full. Instead if Ragi Mudde is made with Ragi and cooked white rice, it will make you feel energetic for the rest of the day and make you less full as well.

It looks like the picture below…(thanks AI :))

It does take a while to get adjusted to the taste of Ragi Mudde as it is quite bland. It needs to be eaten with a good and spicy curry like a chicken curry(they call it is ‘soppa saru’) Vegetarians can have it with spinach curry or any spicy side dish. After years of staying in Karnataka I have got used to the taste of this special dish and actually relish it now…

What do you think of Ragi Mudde? Have you seen it before or tasted it before? Do let me know in the comments below…

This post is for alphabet ‘R’ for BlogchatterA2Z 2024!

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6 thoughts on “Ragi Mudde

  1. I never heard of it. I don’t think I saw this in MTR menu card also. I’ll ask Go(d)ogle!
    Recently there is so much buzz about millets. After Indian netas took millets-based diplomacy, it is part of nationalism too 🙂 Not all millets are fit, for all people, for all seasons, our grandma-s used to say, correct?

    1. True.. We are in the land of millets though.. There is ragi laddoo, ragi dosa, ragi idli, millet sevai and more…But it may not be suitable for everyone and everybody…. And white rice definitely getting a bad rap…

  2. Oh yes food habits and tastes change based on where you live. I haven’t had this but that image makes me want to try it. Maybe next time when I’m in Bangalore…

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