Are you a person who cannot be convinced easily? Well, don’t worry – if you are doing most of your work online, somebody has convinced you and made you to do things their way already….

Now, I am sure most of my connected world would have seen ‘Netflix’s ‘Social Dilemma’ recently! 🙂 While I have been writing about a balanced social media attitude for a long time now, it is one of the key aspects behind this documentary that caught my attention – ‘persuasive technology’.

What is ‘persuasive technology’?

With many of the educated people spending more and more time online, it is the gentle art of pushing the user to do things that is defined as ‘Persuasive technology’. Technically speaking, it is influencing a person to change their attitudes and behaviour such that they do things that they normally would not do.

Ironically, this type of design is omnipresent and silent all around our digital lives. As an example, Amazon encouraging us to buy some more things or ‘Did you forget these things?” is a popular way to budge you to buy more things than needed.

BJ Fogg created this term while he was doing his graduate work at Stanford University.

While ‘persuasive’ tactics have always been employed in various ways in sales and marketing, it is the subtle and coy way of doing it that creates ethical issues with ‘persuasive technology’.

Why is ‘Persuasive technology’ much more effective than real human marketing?

  1. It is much more persistent ( remember the screen that keeps pestering you to register or sign-up?)
  2. It is more subtle and coy
  3. It does not need human interaction
  4. It never gets tired
  5. It never gets worried about getting rejected

With all the talk of ‘persuasive technology’, there is one thing that always seals a discussion – Is it ethical to do it? What do you think?

This is the second post for #MyFriendAlexa by @blogchatter

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa

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17 thoughts on “Persuasive technology

  1. Informative post, for sure social dilemma is an eye opener.
    Persuasive technology is in other terms making us slave or better is ruling our minds which we should not allow it to do.

  2. Persuasive technology has taken over each mind in today’s world. However, at the end of the day it is in our hands to owe our precious time to it or not. Fantastic post on persuasive technology.

  3. This is an eye-opener, but then we all see targeted ads everywhere now. So, it’s a bit tricky now to avoid the impact of persuasive technology.

  4. This was interesting to read. Social Dilemma was scary. Quoting the show, if it is for free, the product is you. In fact, even if it is not for free.

  5. Very interesting. But isn’t this how any type of marketing works. Digital media has just made it tougher (or easier?) for marketers.

  6. I don’t know about ethical, but it’s pretty much how the Internet is built. Come to think of it, even traditional market employs persuasive techniques, so…

  7. I watched Social Dilemma and I so agree with you. It’s all over the place. Why just products, persuasive technology is working on our choices our minds our thoughts 24/7. Great post Jayanthi.

  8. Do you think a recommendation engine falls under persuasive technology?
    Regarding social dilemma, there is another narrative going on, which explores the possibility of social dilemma being part of the persuasive strategy. The message of which that we now think is true and supports, later the government will use it against us to to control the free flow of information on the internet citing similar reasons mentioned in that documentary. What do you think about that?

    1. Good question – I think recommendation engine will fall under persuasive technology… I think anything is possible with technology and its misuses…

  9. Oh yes, these kind of persuading ads creep up everywhere. I haven’t watched Social Dilemma yet. This was a very interesting post, Jayanthi.

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