Maybe we are all subjected to this unconsciously or consciously all the time. Sometimes, I think I should not be carried away by things around me…but honestly I do. It was worser when I was younger and thankfully, we are all more matured now, so, I am not subjected to as much of peer pressure now!

So, what exactly is peer pressure? ‘Peer pressure’ as the name indicates is trying to do the same thing as the people in our age group and generation do. As an example, one wanting to go abroad because others are going! 😉 (very much prevalent in India! :)) , one wanting to go to a particular school/college because others are going, one wanting to eat something because others are doing the same thing and more…

So, is this wrong? I don’t think it is right or wrong. Some peer pressure is good and peer pressure is bad. Sometimes, I feel it is better to do the same things that our peers are doing and get it over with. Otherwise, we might get FOMO(fear of missing out) later on. However, when it crosses our physical, mental and economic capability – it is best to stop doing what our peers are doing(as an example, we cannot go abroad because everyone is going abroad – we have to see our financial viability. Similarly, we cannot do a 10K run because others are doing it, because we might not be physically as fit as them)

Best way to handle peer pressure:

The best way to handle peer pressure is to first recognize it. Then, do it if it is harmless and put it on hold if it is beyond our potential. We don’t have to do all what others do and we can be the trailblazer in our own way!

This is the next post for BlogchatterHalfMarathon!

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