Little Tales from home! :)

Writing about Java for 4 or 5 days continuously, is exhausting and reading about it must be exhausting as well!! 🙂 To keep everybody happy and take a break, I thought I will write about some pleasant tales from my house…:)

These tales are about my two grown kids..and I have got special permission to write about them…:)


When their children are young, most mothers are waiting for them to grow up and be independent. But after they grow up, most mothers miss the times when their children were young and doing childish things!! 🙂 We look at their childhood pictures and reminisce on old episodes of fun!!

I belong to this exact category of mothers(though, most of the time my son is puzzled by this behavior of mine!!:) ) Now, let us see some fun tales about them…

My son’s tale:

My son is a very, very quiet boy outside. But at home, he is a non-stop chatterbox and can grumble about a lot of things!! 🙂 🙂 He was always brilliant and I always called him a “brain box”!!:)

Either, he loved to study or we only taught him to study – I don’t know how or why – but he loved to study and never liked to play(weird isn’t it? :))

He was 3 and we were in the US that time. I only spoke to him in Tamil so that he never let go of his mother tongue(all Indians abroad do that!!)

In Detroit, of course, life gets extremely lonely. With a limited set of friends and a brutal climate, we both were mostly stuck together. Husband would go to work in the morning and only return by night. My son used to go school for 3 half days and he was glued to me at other times and followed me everywhere. He used to keep on chattering and we had a lovely mother-son time together!! 🙂

I used to have severe back pain and I was telling him about it. He was sleeping with me one day and suddenly after he got up, he walked away somewhere. As I wondering, where he had gone, he came back with a “lice comb” and started brushing my back with that!! As I was wondering what was going on, he told me that he was taking my pain away with the “lice comb”!! I was even more puzzled and only after I thought about it, I finally understood the reason.

The “lice comb” in Tamil is known “paen cheepu”…so he thought it was “pain cheepu” or “pain removing comb”! and wanted to brush my back and remove my pain away! 🙂 I have always laughed and laughed thinking about it and how cute he was… 🙂

My daughter’s tale:

My daughter, the second one, loved to crawl her way all around the house. She loved to climb onto everything and was a complete dare devil till some stage. Her brother was her sole attraction and he always loved to entertain her.

She was an expert at giving cheeky and funny retorts and blurting out amazing questions!! 🙂 She never ate properly and was always a sharp food critic and could criticize happily and openly.

I was not too fond of cooking and can still do the basic and essential cooking to get by. Once I was trying to impress her with my cooking skills and tried to make some yummy fish kulambu(gravy) with homemade coconut milk and aromatic spices. She came down to eat and as I was eagerly waiting for her compliment – she said in her cheeky tone “It is spicy rasam, amma”(face palm!!) and walked away coolly(all because the gravy was runny and spicy, it seems)

As the days progressed, there were other sarcastic comments about my food and cooking in general. Sometimes, I did not know whether to laugh or get angry!! 🙂 Some more examples are:

My Akki roti was called as “Akki chips”

My payasam was called as “Poison”

Shape of chappathis was always criticized

Ice creams were better sour!! (face palm!!)

With her interesting tastes and tantrums, life is sure to get tastier!! 🙂

Hope you enjoyed these tales!! 🙂

Stay tuned as we get back on track to Java tomorrow!! 🙂

I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z by Blogchatter 

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4 thoughts on “Little Tales from home! :)

  1. I was chuckling while reading the post. Your son’s tale of trying to take away your pain was so cute, and your daughter seems like like my elder one’s duplicate 🙂

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