‘Kulambu’, ‘Kozhumbhu’ or ‘Kolambu’ is a delicious South Indian gravy with the correct amount of tanginess and spice.  While I never do a cooking post because of this reason – the alphabet ‘K’ for the Blogchatter challenge did kick me into writing about one!
My mother makes different types of ‘Kozhumbu’  like the ‘Vendakkai(ladies finger) kozhumbu’, ‘thakkali(tomato) kozhumbhu’, ‘brinjal kozhambhu’ and each one of them is lip smacking! 🙂 The non-vegetarian kulambhus like ‘chicken kozhmabu’ , ‘meen kozhumbhu’ are equally delicious but they might need slightly different cooking methods. 

Now what is this ‘kozhambhu’ or ‘Kulambu’?
‘Kulambu’ is spiced tamarind-coconut gravy. While each state of India, employs different ways to bring tanginess to their dishes (some might do it by adding mango) – the state of Tamil Nadu does it by adding ‘tamarind’. Even within the Indian state of Tamil Nadu there are different variations to the same kulambhu. I will give my high level understanding of this delectable dish. 
Without going into too much detail into how to make the best ‘kulambu'(I myself have to master it completely first and each time it comes differently! :)) – kulambu is made by the marriage of tamarind water with coconut paste/milk along with other spices simmered over low flame for 5-10 minutes. Following the various do’s and don’ts for this dish and bringing in the personal touch will evoke the best and yummiest kulambhu!
How do we know when the ‘kozhambhu’ is done?
While I do cooking in an almost robotic and programmable way 🙂 – I have heard that the kozhambhu tastes best when after a few minutes of simmering, the oil ( from all the coconut that we added!) separates from the gravy and floats on top. Once the oil has separated, the ‘kozhambhu’ is done and is ready to be tasted.
There are plenty of recipes on the Internet for the delicious ‘kulambhus’. Do try them and experience Tamil cuisine at its best!
This post is for alphabet ‘K’ for the Blogchatter challenge… the previous post is here…come back tomorrow for more! 🙂

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4 thoughts on “'Kulambu'

    1. You should try it…it is super yummy with the different tastes doing a party in your mouth!! 🙂

  1. Jayanthi – Kuzhambu does not necessarily mean a gravy with tamarind, though. While many including sambhar use tamarind, thee are several that do not. They are also kuzhambu and equally scrumptious!!

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