I always tell my kids to speak nicely and sweetly(not that either of them speak loudly or behave aggressively) but still maybe one of the best things I learnt from staying in the US is to talk nicely and never be harsh(not that tough situations didn’t arise there)
I remember this Birbal story and I always talk to them about this:

Once an astrologer had to tell a person that his near and dear ones will pass away before him. Hearing this, the person was upset and was not at all pleased. In fact, he became very angry too. Birbal then suggested to the astrologer to tell the same news but in a different way. How did the astrologer tell it then?
He told the person that he will live longer than his near and dear ones. The person was very happy now that he will be living longer and gave the astrologer a handsome reward! 🙂
Did the astrologer say anything different? No…he just said the same thing but worded it differently which evoked a happy response.
This, I think is important in our life today too. Nobody wants to listen to a harsh set of words. They want something to be told kindly and they will follow it instantly. Ultimately, it is not what you say that matters, it is how you say it…
Have a delightful day!
This is the last post for BlogchatterHalfMarathon 2024!
This is golden advice in general. Especially when it comes to parenting children and young adults.