Is “Family” more of an identity for women than men?

I don’t have to browse through any statistics or any websites for this information – I know women enter the workforce in large numbers but do have to leave the workforce after a few years because of “family” responsibilities.

Why does this happen? Why do women feel the pressure of shouldering the family responsibilities more than men? Is it because we are conditioned that way? Or is it because we cannot trust anybody else with family duties? 😉 (I know, I can’t…I just have to do it my way!! :)) Or is it because we are at home that we tend to automatically do that?

Having brought both my children without any help from baby sitters or anybody else and trying to balance a little career here and there, I know the pressure of managing a family and career. I cannot even imagine what life would be if I had a full time career. The day I step out of the house and I am engrossed in any conference or speech or talk, my mind is fully there and I really cannot focus on anything at home that time. So, how do women who step out manage it all so well? I admire those women and hats off to them!!

But coming to our original question, why is “family” more of a women’s identity than a man’s? It is because the more time we spend time at home looking at the nitty, gritty details of the house and their in-mates, it swallows us and we are in its “maya”!! 🙂 And since the woman is the one who is at home most of the time, we get attached to the family and that becomes our lifeline! Since the man spends considerably less time at home, the “family” is not his only identity…in fact. he feels more attached to the work, family, education all equally.

Is it wrong to feel that way? There is nothing right or wrong there…at the end of the day, we all do whatever is comfortable for us and what keeps us happy! But I would hope the conditioning of women to the house does reduce and men and women share all the responsibilities of life. Then, maybe the men will also identify themselves more with “family” as much as women?

This post is the second post for BlogchatterHalfMarthon!

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One thought on “Is “Family” more of an identity for women than men?

  1. I agree with you too. I hope we see time when both men and women have equally been there to not just raise kids but also do all the home chores and divide familial and house responsibilities than being only a woman’s duty.

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