The teeny bopper generation is something else! They shun Facebook, Whatsapp and older social media platforms. Gen Z is the generation of kids/young adults born between 1997 -2012 and I call them ‘Insta gen’! 🙂

I have a Gen Z or Insta gen kid(actually, I have two of them at that age, but one is a true Gen Z! :)) at home and it is amusing to hear her terms for the older social media platforms! 🙂

Here goes her descriptions:

Facebook – is for Aunty’s and Uncles

Whatsapp – is for Everybody

Insta – is for Gen Z

Snapchat – is for Gen Z

Where are all these Gen Z’s living in? Insta and Snapchat from what little I know! 🙂

Why are they on Insta?

To live in the moment, of course! 🙂 Unlike the other generations of Baby Boomer (born between 1945 – 1964), Gen X(born between 1965 – 1981) , Gen Y or Millennials (born between 1982 – 1994) who were not born with a digital spoon in their mouth and want to reconnect with old friends and family or walk down nostalgia lane, many Gen Z’s live in Insta just for the moment. They don’t have any professional achievements to show off or personal achievements to show off either!! (what will they show off? – most of them might have just finished 10th grade!! ;)) Most of the pictures are just nails, shoes and food!! 🙂 (ha, ha) They are cool, happy and free with their crop tops and ripped jeans!

Many of them are also hiding from highly digital and innocent parents…(face palm!)

They have amazing handle names and strange profile pictures on Insta! If you can find your child amidst the constantly changing profile pictures and handle names, you are a good techie… 😉 😉 (it doesn’t matter how many lines of code you can write in any language…;) ;)) They also know many hacks and cracks in Insta and other Gen Z platforms…

These are some of the Insta gen’s crypto language:

  1. My friend is dropping smn else atm
  2. Is any1 coming 2 skl tmrw?
  3. Ight i gtg, can i ttyl? baiii
  4. “Ma bad…I really gtg”!! 🙂
  5. “Srsly, she said dat?” 🙂 🙂

Can you understand any/all of them? 🙂 Do let me know in the comments below…

This post is for alphabet ‘I’ for #BlogchatterA2Z by @blogchatter

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