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It is quite amazing that cyber security dates have gained prominence in recent days…here are some important cyber security dates for any calendar year:

  1. January 24-28th – Data Privacy Week, January 28th – Data privacy day

With privacy becoming a big force to reckon with in today’s world – there is an entire week devoted in January for enhanced privacy awareness. Further, January 28th is celebrated as ‘Data privacy day’. This day ensures that individuals take their privacy more seriously, and tweak their privacy settings appropriately.

2. Second Tuesday of every April – ‘Identity Management Day

‘Identity management day’ is just in its second year and this day ensures that online identities are protected and awareness is created for the same.

3. First Thursday of every May – ‘World Password Day’

The first Thursday every May is designated as ‘World Password Day’. Since our digital life is still heavily dependent on passwords, this day promotes better password habits.

4. October – Cyber Security awareness month

The entire month of October is devoted to cyber security awareness and remaining safe online

5. November 30th – Computer Security Day

There is yet another day to reinforce security and that is of ‘Computer Security Day’ on November 30th. This day is dedicated to securing all devices, backing up all important data, using better passwords and observing all other security precautions.

These are just a few of the important days in the cyber security domain. I am sure more days will come into play given the nature of domain!

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