If you didn’t already know already, my daughter is enrolled in VIT and these are a few things that we have understood so far.

Ask anybody about VIT and the first impression is either the population or the strictness or both!

  1. Located in Tamil Nadu, VIT has to be conservative
  2. As far as dressing is concerned, it is a tad bit strict but it does not infringe on any adolescents way of fashion. Ripped pants, crop tops are allowed and so is coloring of hair(which is a big thing for a place like Tamil Nadu) But you may be pulled up any time for improper dressing and told to redress again… 😃
  3. If your attendance does fall below 75% before each exam, there is a possibility that you will be debarred before the exam(and trust me, this does happen to many students whether boy or girl) So, it is good to be mindful of the holidays that might creep up suddenly and mess up your attendance
  4. Students who have a 9.0 CGPA or higher are exempt from the 75% attendance rule though
  5. In order to get a grade for a subject, students have to complete all the components of the exams prescribed namely, 2 assessment tests and the final test. If a student misses any of the tests/exam, they will have to redo it after seeking permission from the concerned authorities.
  6. If you do move out from the hostel and want to stay outside, there is a big and elaborate procedure to do it. Once you do move out, you cannot stay in any PG or separate apartment but only with one or both parents.
  7. The address of where the student will stay with the parent is verified. How does that happen? They will require a copy of the lease along with the owner’s Aadhar card! 🙂
  8. And the best part? The parent has to put attendance in the college once every week to prove that they are indeed staying with their children so that the young adolescents do not get into any unwanted incidents or the parent(s) don’t abandon the young adults! :)(I did love this part about parents attendance though initially I was shocked and amused! :))
  9. It is actually nice to see strict procedures being followed all across the college and hostel. If a student needs to leave the hostel for a 2 or 3 day trip home, there is an elaborate procedure for that as well. Since there is a possibility that some students may fake their home visit and go to other mischievous places, the warden calls the parent at home to check if the child is indeed coming home. Sometimes, tickets are also requested from parents/student to verify the authenticity of the student going home
  10. Drinking, smoking, drugs and any other malpractice is strictly frowned upon in the college. Any student who is found to be engaged in it face dire consequences.
  11. Students are sometimes wound up for 7 days a week with tests being conducted even on Sundays!
  12. It is quite funny, but not an ant can enter the campus by bypassing the security guards in the front gate. You will be whisked to get a proper badge before you can enter the campus. There is always a huge set of people trying to get in through the main gate, but the guards are always brisk enough to make sure that you enter through the correct channels. No unwanted cars can also park in front of the gate and they will quickly be shooed away!
  13. PDA(public display of affection) is not banned but it is monitored continuously. You can see boys and girls walking together or in groups which is not a problem
  14. There are students from all parts of India and for a change I can hear a lot of Hindi, Malayalam, Bengali and a multitude of other languages in Tamil Nadu! 🙂
  15. A lot of new rules have been incorporated recently

Given the huge population at VIT, a lot of discipline is needed to keep the college environment decently safe. No wonder it is the most sought after private college from many from North India as well. The strictness of VIT brings a smile to many a parents face inclusive of mine… 🙂

These are our understandings of VIT so far…let’s see what I can uncover in the future…:)

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