How many months of notice period is a good time?

Most organizations in India ask for 3 months of notice period after which an employee is free to leave the organization. This goes either ways, either if the employee resigns on their own or the employer asks the employee to leave.

What is a notice period?

‘Notice Period’ is a time frame in which the employer and employee both prepare for separation. It allows the employee to transfer the responsibilities to the other team members in the organization and other formalities to be completed. This also allows the employee to find another job if they were asked to separate. The employer also prepares the HR matters to be completed and the entire process is wrapped up smoothly.

With many organizations asking for a 90 day notice period, I keep wondering if a 90 day notice period is really necessary? Is the “90 day notice period” a way to keep the employees within the organization itself? Does it act like a deterrent? I don’t as such see employees doing any major work during their notice period. Their responsibilities gradually tones down and they are free for most of the time! Either way, they are not going to be happy staying for 90 full days – so, why is this 90 day rule? I don’t remember this practice in the US as many young employees are on work visas in the US. The US only asks for a 2 week notice period in most places.

What might be an ideal time for a notice period?

Like in the US, I think if most organizations in India can also adopt a 2 week notice period, it would be great. This will enable the employees to do knowledge transfer and employers to wrap up all things pertaining to the transfer.

In addition, if employers hire with care in the first place, there might be less people wanting to leave a company and less notice periods! 😉

What do you think? What should be the ideal notice period time frame?

This is the eighth post for BlogchatterHalfMarathon!

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3 thoughts on “How many months of notice period is a good time?

  1. I have served three notice periods during my corporate stint, and as you mentioned, it depends on the case to case basis. I personally feel, notice period should be served, as it acts like a cool off period between transitioning.

  2. Notice periods can be so tricky to serve if they are this long. But on the other hand maybe a distinction can be made in the circumstances of why they’re being served. If the employee has been let go then 90 days is welcome. I think for many.

    1. The only catch with a 90 day notice period when u are let go is I don’t think anybody will be comfortable in that situation…

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