While ‘Information security’ always gives us images of breaches, hacks, stolen credit card numbers and bank account numbers, my blog has always been associated with ‘defensive security’ which include the many concepts of ‘Information security’ and the many defenses that are there to keep your information safe.

In this post, I will like to delve into the reality of letting off the ‘Information security’defenses down. Apart from the breaches and hacks, what are the other ugly things that are possible?  While this may be common knowledge to those in InfoSec domain – it may not be known to every one. It is always a common thought – “it will not happen to me” – it is a reality that it does happen quite frequently and everybody gets affected at some point or other!

  1. Remotely controlling  Android/Apple device 

                There are a variety of ways in which one can remotely control another person’s Android or Apple device.  There are plenty of apps that allow you to control an Android device from a PC, via an another Android device, via WiFi, via Bluetooth and really the possibilities are endless!  

I am sure most of you remember the time when Saket Modi, the co-founder and CEO of Lucideus hacked the phone of a person sitting in the audience. Through this hacking, he was able to procure the subject’s SMSes, contacts, call logs, GPS locations and more! (Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fT6pUQrY6M)

2. Hacking cars?

Is this even possible? Yes – maybe in the future! Researchers have shown that hackers can remotely kill your engine, lock the doors to your car, put the car in reverse gear without your permission and many other frightening moves! 

Automotive hacking may be a distinct possibility as the years roll by!

3. ATM skimming

Many people are sure to have fallen to this type of hack. A small skimmer is attached to the ATM machine by means of which bank details are retrieved.  The numbers are then transferred to blank ATM cards and money and data are stolen! 

4. Keylogger

‘Keylogger’ is a type of surveillance software which when installed on your system, can monitor every key stroke, record passwords, captures screenshots and more. It can be run in invisible mode and thereby the user will have no clue of its presence. This is commonly used by employers to keep tabs on their employees. 

In addition to all this, the devious mind can find ways to see your private Facebook picture, Instagram pictures and any other private information. In short, the more you want to keep it private online, the more someone is eager to see it! 🙂

This is just the tip of the wild side of security hacks… anything is possible  for a determined mind! 

How do we protect ourselves from all this?

Maintain a minimal online presence.  And it is good to keep up with all security updates and install all patches and upgrades as and when posted.



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105 thoughts on “Hacking

  1. Extremely insightful and informative post! I had never heard about keylogger till this post. Thank you for writing this one. #MyFriendAlexa #MayuraReads

  2. Extremely insightful & informative post. I wasn’t aware of keylogger at all. Thank you for writing this one. #MyFriendAlexa #MayuraReads

  3. Very informative. Yes, the more the technology grows the more dangerous it becomes. Internet is one medium which connevts everything with everything, including ur personal and confidential info. U like it or not!

  4. This is a very helpful post. Situation looks grim and in a way violation of private space. But those who have decided to invade, did they every care?

  5. Agree… Its so important to be aware of how much you are putting out in social media for the world to see… At times we do not take information security seriously

  6. Hey Jayanthi – I’m visiting as part of the myfriendalexa campaign and though I’ve shared your post on twitter you won’t get to know because your blog is not connected to your twitter account.

  7. Very insightful post and relevant to today’s time when most of us spend maximum time only. The importance of online security can’t be undermined

  8. Car hacking part seems interesting almost like Mission Impossible. Thanks for sharing this blog. Got to know so many things. But it’s tough to hv minimal presence online in this hi-tech era.

  9. Jayanthi, very informative and useful tips. We are deep into the digital space and we have left with little choice and we need to learn the ways of living and knowing the ways of protecting us in this new world. Indeed the possibilities are wild and anything can happen. For every bad thing there is a good thing to counter it, and users will quickly learn the new ways and the contest between the bad guys and the good one will continue…

  10. Yes, the sad part of the technology is that it is our making our privacy more prone to security breaches. Quite an informative post Jayanthi. Let’s be aware of our surroundings.

  11. This is scary! Everyday I think who would want to hack a mere blogger’s accounts! But maybe I am wrong and someone might do it just for fun. We are so vulnerable. Thanks for sharing this, would be more careful, however maintaining a minimal online presence is not possible now.

  12. I am so glad I found a technical post online. I am a CEH and work in the information security field. A post about Hacking excites me. Really great information shared

  13. Hi Jayanthi. this post gave me some ideas for my stories.
    I use VPN. pls share some more secruity tips. We all will benefit from it.

  14. Hey Jayanthi, This post is most impotant and relevant in today’s Online extravaganza . We know about the hacking-ill-effects and still we make ourseves vulnerable to it. Thanks for the Pro-tip , Minimal Online presence. If only we could resist the fad of sharing everything online. #MyFriendalexa #SujatawadeReads

  15. Hi Jayanthi , I am not able to post a comment. Please let me know whether it’s visible. #MyFriendAlexa #SuatawdeReads

  16. That’s true, technology can be scary. Now I have so many questions … are you saying that if we keep our account private it will invite more trouble? What to do then?

  17. I feel with always-connected devices a layman can never be secure. We have to understand that hacker is ace in his job. Yet, keeping updated will surely improve secruity

  18. Our society has become more dependent to modern technology than ever before. So, technically speaking, those who are in control of our technology are becoming more and more powerful every day. I am not talking about hackers only, but generally everyone who can take advantage of their knowlegde. Hackers can be very dangerous, but that is not only based only on their computer skills but many other factors as well.

  19. Car hacking???? What a horrific side of the sinister Hacking world. Its really informative and insightful. Excellent!!!

  20. I didn’t knew any of the above mentioned hacks. Thank you for sharing such informative post. Being a blogger and social media influencer, it is not possible to minimise online presence but I will be more cautious now.

  21. Very insightful post. The more we depend on technology more is the risk of getting hacked. Need to be careful while sharing data online and use all precautions to keep it safe.

  22. It is very scary though useful information. In this age of internet it is really difficult to keep online presence to the minimum. Though I will keep myself updated on security. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Damn this is scary. Are there any ways other than minimal online presence to avoid these? Especially the keyloggers thingy

  24. Hi Jayanthi, I am not able to post the comment for some reason. Please let me know if you see it. Thanks, #MyFriendAlexa

  25. Jayanthi, this is such an informative post and makes so much of sense. Your advice is significant. Minimal presence online is the way to be. I wish we could all follow it. Thanks!
    #DeepTiesReads #MyFriendAlexa

  26. Technology comes with all pros and cons but it is up to us how to maintain and remain offline as much as possible
    This was a super informative and scary post 🙂
    #vigorousreads #MyFriendAlexa

  27. Jayanthi, this is an eye opener. We all know about hacking but knowing that this can happen to anyone is scary in this world of technological advancement.
    I wish you would do a detailed post on how to protect ourselves from this security threat.

  28. Informative post Jayanthi. Heard about ATM skimmers and hackers but key loggers seems like a dangerous option.

  29. Isnt this scary? We are so much dependent on technology these day but there are many ways people can misuse it.
    #MothersGurukulreads #Myfriendalexa

  30. Information security has become even more critical today with the advancement of the Internet of Things.
    But maintaining a minimal presence on the web cannot be the solution. Information Security has to evolve as technology evolves.

  31. As an IT professional, I find ethical hacking interesting. But using it for scamming like those mentioned here are always scary thoughts.

  32. As a s/w professional, in every other project, we see the possibilities of hacking. And how ppl are making evil progress in finding ways of hacking, amaze me so much. When you have fix of one problem, they come with another way of stealing information and even identities. This is such an informative post for all.

  33. ‘This won’t happen to me’ is the biggest misunderstanding we have. It doesn’t harm to keep our security updated and we vigilant about our online presence. Helpful post!

  34. Cybersecurity should be our topmost priority especially when everything is going digital. We should be careful about what we share in the digital world.

  35. Hacking is a scary word and we all get afraid by it..you had shared really valuable information and so many things were completely new to me.

  36. Isnt it scary to know that with advancement of technology, though there is ease of operation, there is a lot more of threat lurking at every step. But one cant stop and shun the advances in technology. All that we can do is be more cautious.
    Informative post, an eye opener.

  37. Very informative and helpful post… Though, to be very frank, had me scared as well! Remote hacking is something which scares me the most… Hope I am doing enough not to be hacked… Thanks for the post…

    1. A keylogger software is normally sneaked in with other downloads…so it is a good idea to download only from reliable and trusted sources… not all anti-virus software will be able to detect keyloggers…

  38. This is definitely informative but scary at the same time, especially car hacking. Though we are the smarter generation and species, we mostly misuse technology. A sad reality. #LiveItYoungReads #MyFriendAlexa

  39. Hi Jayanthi, internet hacking is really dangerous. But being a blogger, I need to show my presence every now and then. Looking forward to your future posts on the same.

  40. This reminds me of a friend’s account recently got hacked. Thanks for sharing the information.
    #MyFriendAlexa #gleefulreads

  41. Interesting information. I have always been attracted towards it and may be someday would love to learn a bit or two as well.

  42. All this sounds so scary to me as I am not from computer science background and have not much idea about what all could be done to save our personal & online information. Thanks, Jayanthi for sharing this information and the tip to keep up with security updates and upgrades.

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