In this article, we will look at the next habit which is “Synergize”. Practice and Perfection of the first 5 habits is a pre-requisite for realizing Habit 6. Keeping this in mind let us list the first 5 habits:
- Be Proactive
- Begin With the End in Mind
- Put First Things First
- Think Win/Win
- Seek First to Understand and then to be Understood
The first three habits are associated with private victory and the fourth and fifth are associated with public victory. Synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum of parts. In other words 1+1=3 or more. Synergy forms the basis of Principal Centered Parenting and Leadership. To realize synergy, we need to value differences, respect them, build on mutual strengths and compensate weaknesses when we come together. Synergy always results in a third alternative, which is often superior to the two initial alternatives that two persons may have at the start. (e.g solution to a complex practical problem)
We can see Synergy in nature. e.g. When two plants are planted close together, their roots can co-mingle and improve the quality of the soil.
Communication plays an important part in Synergy. The illustration below (adapted from Covey’s book) shows the various levels of communication.

When trust and cooperation are low, the communication is defensive and protective. This often results either in a Win/Lose or Lose/Win scenario. Such scenarios affect both production and the capacity to produce. In this scenario, 1+1=0. At the next level, the two communicators interact in a polite and respectful manner, however are not empathetic. In this case the full potential of synergy is not realized. We are in a situation where, 1+1=1.5. When trust and cooperation are very high, then we realize the full transformational power of synergy. This results in a Win/Win scenario that can be described as 1+1=3 or more. To Synergize, we need to use both parts of the brain together (The left part which is responsible for logic and the right part which is responsible for creativity).
In the corporate world, one of the reasons for acquisition or mergers is to encourage synergy. Synergy enables the merged entity to rise to levels not seen in the individual entities. However, unless and until there is trust and cooperation between the two companies involved in the merger/acquisition, the full potential of synergy cannot be realized. Valuing differences is essential for realizing synergy.
I have personally witnessed a wonderful Synergy in the field of Engineering Simulations. Traditionally 1D or System level simulations and 3D Simulations were always done independently and by separate teams. A system level simulation provides the overall performance of a product. However it cannot get into minute details of individual components. A 3D simulation is able to provide clear details at component level. However, they are time consuming (especially when a full system or a sub-system needs to be simulated). We now link 1D and 3D simulations (and the teams that specialize in them) and run co-simulations. Typically, a critical component in the large system is simulated in 3D space to increase the fidelity of the 1D simulation. Co-Simulations have enabled us to come up with innovative solutions for customers which can never be realized by either stand-alone 1D or 3D simulations.
Covey says that in interdependent situations synergy is often effective in working against negative forces that prevent growth and change. Sociologist Kurt Lewin formulated the “Force Field Theory” where he describes the current level of performance to be a balance between driving forces and restraining forces. While increasing the driving forces works to an extent in improving performance, unless and until the restraining forces are removed performance cannot be raised beyond a point. A simple example is when we want to accelerate our car, we first disengage the parking brake. Trying to accelerate with the parking brake on works upto a point beyond which it will heat up the wheels and not allow us to realize the full power of the engine.
Nature is a manifestation of synergy and Ecology is a word describing it. Covey explains that Synergy is the crowning achievement of the previous 5 habits. Hope you enjoyed this post. In the next post we will look at the final Habit which is “Sharpen the Saw”.
Reference: 25th Anniversary Edition “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey.
Read about the seventh habit here
Nice post!