Greatest part of being a technical blogger is..

Well….what will it be? 🙂 Any guesses?

For anybody on the planet that doesn’t know yet – I have been a technical blogger since 2012 🙂 I have also been a personal blogger and write about anything that catches my eye! 🙂

Writing is hard work. For anybody who feels it is too easy – ask any writer who sits with their papers and pens or laptops…whether they are technical writers, content writers, fiction writers and any or all writers – it is a LOOTTTT of work!

The only catch with writing though is that, it may take hours and days to do it but one can read it in a few minutes(just a sham! (face palm!) It also means the world needs more writers and that feels very exciting… 🙂

Here are some good things about being a technical blogger:

  1. A little bit of fame might come here and there 🙂
  2. People silently watching you is even better… 🙂
  3. Doing something that we love to do is best! 🙂

But the greatest part of being a technical blogger that I have truly enjoyed is..


I started writing about Java much earlier, then moved to core Information Security concepts and then wrote about the different InfoSec certifications. Throughout this journey, I learnt about all the different InfoSec certifications like CISSP, CCSP. CISA, CISM- their differences and their content and of course their prices(and fortunately or unfortunately, I had to read and grasp everything well before I wrote it) It was quite interesting to see how life had changed since the days of simple Java certifications of 2000s.

Then, I moved onto a brand new topic of DevSecOps. I had heard of this word before and it was exciting to learn this new topic as well.

The ability to learn new technologies and blog about them over the years has been truly amazing! I hope to continue to do this with every new technology that comes forward… 🙂

P.S: We will not discuss the pay regarding writers at all…that is best understood… 🙁

To quote Toni Morrison – “A writer’s life and work are not a gift to humankind; they are its necessity.”

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2023

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