For the love of 'Reading'…

As I was pondering what to write for alphabet ‘R’ for my Blogchatter A2Z challenge, a recent conversation in my school Whatsapp groups – triggered me to write this post! 🙂 
The olden and golden days:
Reading paper books used to be such a beautiful past time for kids before the days of electronic devices. I remember us being curled up with our Nancy Drew’s, Secret Sevens, Famous Fives and Hardy Boys(they were the popular titles in India those days :)) Whether it was the summer vacation or the time after school –  books were our constant companions. Reading built our comprehension abilities, increased our concentration, improved our vocabulary and helped us make new friends too….. and we never bored! 🙂 Those were such sweet innocent days! 🙂

Today’s era:
Enter this generation and they are always bored! We as parents are always wondering which class to put them next… Of course, times have changed and the past few years have redefined our lives technologically too. We as parents end up buying latest devices to keep up with the latest tech trends and the kids get addicted to them as well.
Reading becomes limited and playing games online becomes the new norm. We see more parents and kids reading from the tablet or the iPad rather than “normal” book. So, is it all gloomy for reading normal books and kids? No, not entirely… I do see kids with paper books but the older the child gets, the higher the possibility, that they will be reading from a device.

How will the future be?
Hopefully, the days of books and reading are not over. The precious activity of reading from a book will live through the gadget revolution and kids and adults will come back to paper books again. 
How can this be done?
Not being overly advisory here – but it would be good idea for parents to set a good example by reading papers and books instead of reading them on devices. While it is not entirely possible to predict whether the child will be a great reader in life in spite of teaching them to read early(My daughter is a “book worm” and son is not), if the initial steps are put in place for good reading habits – they will last a life time!
After all a book is like a good friend who is always there and I am reminded of this quote  “You know you have read a good book, when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend”!!
So, read, read and read my dear friends! 🙂
Thanks to all my Stanite friends for inadvertently spilling such a great blog post idea for me! 🙂
This post is for alphabet ‘R’ of the BlogchatterA2Z challenge…the previous post is here...

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2 thoughts on “For the love of 'Reading'…

  1. HI Jayanti. Just wanted to ask you… what’s the harm in reading online. I realised once I started working I had stopped reading entirely. It was only thanks to Flipkart and now the Amazon Kindle app that I have begun reading books again. Someone who is working usually has time to read only while they travel. I also read at night even tho I know it’s bad for the eyes- because of the sheer convenience. Also often I read 2-3 books at once. Again the ebooks are better in this regard. I don’t miss the smell of old books or the flipping of pages. Is that wrong?
    Would love to hear u’re views.

    1. Hi Ashwini,
      Thanks for stopping by… no harm reading form gadgets – but as a parent, I feel kids start wearing glasses quickly if reading from devices early on…anyway, once you are an adult – we are hooked onto devices… why not postpone the same for kids was my thinking…

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