The privacy sector is rapidly evolving and new laws and regulations are constantly coming into effect all across the world to keep personal data safe. With the monstrous growth of social media a huge amount of personal data is being collected. Individuals rights over their private data and organizations responsibility towards that data is defined by the ‘FIP’ or ‘Fair Information Practices’. FIP was also known as ‘Fair Information Privacy Practices or Principles’.

The ‘Fair information practices’ include the

a. Rights of individuals

Organizations should specify the reasons behind private data collection(notice) They should also get the implicit or explicit consent from the users regarding the collection, use or dissemination of information(choice and consent)

b. Controls on information

Organizations should use proper security controls to prevent any unwanted data disclosure. They should also try and maintain the accuracy of private data that is being stored. Thus, security of data and quality of data being stored is of utmost importance.

c. Information life cycle

The full life cycle of information(collection, use and disclosure of personal data) should be specified by the organization.

d. Management

Organizations should manage and administer(define, document and delegate accountability) for the privacy policies and procedures. In addition, they should also monitor compliance with privacy policies and procedures

The practices are summarized below:

More on privacy coming your way next! 🙂

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