Do something nice today! :)

‘Do something nice today!’ 🙂 was a little thought that I heard sometime back and it really struck a chord with me and I am making a list of ‘nice’ things that I can do 🙂

Should I?

  1. Talk to someone that I hadn’t spoken to in a long time?
  2. Try and activate my ‘green thumb’ and see if it can sprout any more new plants? 🙂
  3. Pamper myself and dress up well for going around the house? 🙂
  4. Understand somebody that I haven’t understood before? 🙂
  5. Appreciate things that I take for granted?
  6. Spend even more time with my family? 🙂 (with the current lockdown, we are cooped up even more – but still…)
  7. Try things out of my comfort zone
  8. Write a perfect technical and personal article? (that would be the ‘best’ ‘nice’ thing for me for sure! :))
  9. Try and get out of all social media platforms? 🙂 🙂 (does that count as a ‘nice’ thing? :))

What do you think? Are these ‘nice’ things to do?

What ‘nice’ thing will you do today? 🙂

The previous post can be found here

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2 thoughts on “Do something nice today! :)

  1. Nurturing green thumb, calling someone after a long gap and distancing from social media are definitely nice things to do. One of the nice things that I am doing or have done is that I am reading your post and posts from other bloggers. Another nice thing that I did today was to try a mushroom recipe.
    Doing nice things is self love and it gives immense pleasure.
    -Its N for Never Say Never at

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