With the whole world inspecting and wondering how ChatGPT works(or how to make it work for them), I had to dive, do my research and write about it as well! 🙂

ChatGPT’ is an AI based system that has been developed by OpenAI. My LinkedIn feed, my Twitter feed seem to be discussing only thing… how to use AI tools like ChatGPT and if and which jobs it might or will displace! 🙂 I have also joined the bandwagon of figuring how to make ChatGPT work for me the best way!

If you haven’t seen or worked with ChatGPT as yet..do click this link:


and access it by creating an account(or continue with Google or Microsoft account) and start typing your questions! :)(however silly they may sound and see what it says:))

For newbies to ChatGPT:

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence tool that provides human like conversation. In ChatGPT’s own words, ” It is a conversational language model developed by OpenAI” 🙂 It is a model that has been trained over a period of time. The goal of ChatGPT is to provide helpful text which can be used to write emails, debug code, write code, write blog posts and more. It was released in November of 2022 and it has grabbed all headlines till date! So, what can ChatGPT do?

After playing and reading quite a bit of articles about it, I can certainly say a few things about it. It has been exciting and fun working with it! 🙂 Here goes my list :

  1. It can write emails

2. It can write a program(in any language) and provide explanation too!(see the example below)

3. It can write a blog post on any topic(see example below)

4. You can ask it for keywords on any particular technical topic

5. You can ask it to write a Tweet about a particular topic, Instagram post caption, LinkedIn post about a particular topic

6. You can ask it to do Math calculations – even your homework 🙂

Try it …it is pretty simple to do… 🙂

7. And you can also ask it to write a novel if you give a thought like this…

The more I worked with ChatGPT – the more I am (and I am sure the whole world is) impressed with it…and it has been quite an enlightening experience…:)

In spite of the great power of AI, there are still a few limitations of ChatGPT which are as follows:

  1. The current research preview of ChatGPT version is FREE as of today
  2. It is still undergoing a lot of transformation and it is a work in progress
  3. Everyone is working with it and discovering new things

Future of ChatGPT and AI:

Though I still don’t have the crystal ball 🙂 and cannot say anything in the tech world for sure, it does look like the tech world is shifting yet again. As of now, we are all excited about knowing more about ChatGPT and AI…but there are some burning questions on everyone’s mind:

  1. Is it replacing any jobs or is it just helping many in their careers?
  2. Will ChatGPT make homework redundant as students will just ask AI to complete it for them? (face palm!)
  3. Will teachers and Professors around the world have to re-think their assessment strategies?
  4. Or will we have to re-adjust our working towards AI?

What has been your discovery? 🙂 Do let me know….

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