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The Information security world is a deep one and sometimes it is quite shocking to know the things that can be done. Did you know that ‘Black widow’ is not just the name of a spider…but it is a actual software that is used for ‘reconnaissance’ too(Of course, InfoSec professionals will know :))

‘Reconnaissance’ is the ability to obtain freely available information about a website. defines “Reconnoitering as checking something out, but in a sneaky way!”

Once this information is obtained one can seal the extra unwanted information that is unintentionally creeping out(for example, maybe passwords and employee details are visible with the reconnaissance tools) One of the ways that a site can be ripped is by employing website downloaders like ‘Black Widow’, Website downloader  and Httrack.

Most of these tools will allow you to download the entire website and the directory structure, external links, bad links and email addresses. The picture below shows a screen shot of the ‘Black Widow’ software…

The details provided above are for informational purposes only! Please do not use it in any inappropriate way!

This is my fifth post for #MyFriendAlexa by @Blogchatter!

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7 thoughts on “Black Widow

  1. I love your blog because every time I visit it, I learn something new about cyber world. Thank you for sharing necessary information about black widow software. Will check it out.

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