Another April has come and it means another Blogchatter challenge! 🙂 I will be doing this year’s Blogchatter challenge on ‘Comparison posts’ … read my theme reveal post to know more...

I had already blogged about authentication in my last year’s challenge and this year I will be taking this a step further. I will be comparing ‘Authentication’ with ‘Authorization’ .


Authentication just let’s you prove “you are who you are” by the traditional “username-password” combination. This can be seen in all sites today as an example, in email, social media sites and more…


“Authorization” allows you to access the resources based on your role. As an example, you might be allowed to access the Premium content on a site based your role as premium member.

If you are working in an organization, you will be given access to certain rooms and there are others who might be given access to other rooms. Your access to certain rooms is based on your role in the organization. This is authorization.

It should be noted that “authentication” always precedes “authorization”

Here is an infographic illustrating the same:

This post for alphabet ‘A’ of the #BlogchatterA2Z 2020 challenge. Do stay tuned for subsequent comparison posts in the #Informationsecurity domain!

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12 thoughts on “Authentication vs Authorization

  1. This takes me back to my networks class where we mus’tve used these words as synonyms atleast once. Comparison posts can be quite helpful. Great going! 🙂

  2. Great inforgraphic and you had explained this terminology in simple and effective manner. keep it up and looking forward for next comparison posts.

  3. Well explained! I have often used authentication and authorisation interchangeably while speaking or trouble shooting at work. This post was indeed insightful. I am looking forward to learning a lot from you during the #BlogchatterA2Z

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