Cars can be hacked, phones can be hacked, all smart devices can be hacked – so why not ATM machines? Scary isn’t it? This news from the ‘Economic times’ stole my glance and I had to blog about it right away! 
Hacking and the procedure to do it required a bit of expertise in the days gone by, but that is no longer the case in today’s world. Data breaches cost millions of dollars in losses and ATM hacks are also estimated to cost around $3.5 million dollars in losses between late 2017 and early 2018 in the US (Source:
In today’s world, we do not  need thorough hacking and certified professionals to hack ATM machines to steal your credit/debit card information. It can be done by simple tools such as ATM malware cards and ATM hacking tutorials which are easily available in the “dark web” for as low as 100$. And how much time does it take to do it? Just 15 minutes!!
Sounds easy for a hacker, isn’t it?
It is in fact very easy to accomplish…  if a device is implanted behind the ATM machine, the machine will give out cash without proper authentication to unauthorized individuals!! (yikes!!)
Since most ATM machines use the same software, attacking one machine will ensure that similar machines can be attacked in a similar manner. Most ATM hacks are performed on machines that run the Windows XP operating system.
How to protect yourself:
After the shocking news of how common and easy it is do ATM hacking, the next question comes about how to protect yourself from it:

  1. It is always wise to use ATMs at well lit locations and those locations that see more footfall
  2. Be aware of ATM skimmers(these are the ones that steal your credit/debit numbers and your PIN) that are attached to the ATM machines and make sure that you are able to use the card smoothly(if not – there is a probability that a skimmer is attached)
  3. Keep track of your bank balance constantly
  4. If you can – try and withdraw money from the bank itself(or try using “Cash back” option in the US and other Western countries)

ATM hacking and other attacks are always on the rise. It is imperative for us as customers to keep ahead of the curve and adopt safety practices!!

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