A journey of a thousand miles…

….begins with a  single step!! Next in my line of favorite quotes is this one…
I signed up for the Blogchatter challenge with a lot of apprehension. The month of April is always an interesting one for me. Both my children’s exams get over that time. Their summer vacations begin that time too. If you thought, having small kids at home and working(writing) from home is hard, think again! Older kids are also a lot of work!! Many a time, I have two pairs of eyes always peeking into my laptop – wondering what I am going to be writing about next 🙂 They have their summer classes, entrance exams, play dates, and are constantly going in and out of the house with their friends…and you get the point…it is a busy house! 🙂
To top it all – we had also planned for short trips wherein I knew I would not have time to write posts then and there. How will I be able to manage writing 26 posts one for each and every day of April? (except for Sundays) I knew I had to take the first step and decide to do it. Then, I had to draw a plan. Yes, I am a planner and I have been able to stick to it so far, even though I have been traveling through the A2Z challenge.
So, how have I been able to do it so far? By taking the first step of deciding to do it. Yes, friends – ‘the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’ is so true for me for the #Blogchatter challenge and for many mammoth tasks too. 

Once the first step was taken, all other activities have followed and I have got some direction on how to proceed and complete it.
The Blogchatter challenge runs all through April and it isn’t over yet. Wish me luck to complete it!
This post is for alphabet ‘J’ for the #Blogchatter challenge. The previous post can be found here

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10 thoughts on “A journey of a thousand miles…

  1. Sailing in the same boat. I wrote posts daily, read and share others posts. Tuneer starts his school in a couple of days and I have running around to get his books and other formalities. I don’t know if I will be able to make it to the finishing line but all I can say is I am trying my best

  2. God this is me… I didnt get a chance to schdule posts in advance…and I have been atruggling because work gas been extremely hectic plus a 6 year old… Hope I can finish it… All the best to you!

  3. I am glad you signed up, and you are doing very well. Your writing gives me the impression that you are a hestitant writer, Jayanthi. I feel you hold back your thoughts and words. If you do that, let go. This is your blog and we would love to read your thoughts!:)

  4. I love reading your posts. You have written some excellent ones on technical topics and nowadays your posts have become more general. But I am really enjoying all of them thoroughly.

  5. Keep going and you are doing great. Even am uncertain if i’ll be able to complete the challenge or not. Let’s keep motivating each other and we surely can.

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